Hi, I'm Jane.

I'm an industry disruptor, speaker, marketing strategist, educator, podcaster, and personal branding expert– fueled by creativity and way too much Diet Pepsi.

I help make room for new voices by enabling bold leaders and brands to disrupt the status quo.

I’m driven by the need to shake up the ordinary and create opportunities for voices that truly matter and make a difference in their industries. My focus is on crafting thought leaders and brands that are sharp, clear, and impossible to miss.

Who Am I?

Growing up in Kansas– home of some of the 'wide open spaces' The Dixie Chicks were singing about– I always dreamed of exploring the world and living a life filled with constant adventure, though I never imagined just how far those dreams would take me. What started as a simple longing for something more has turned into a reality beyond my wildest expectations. Running my own business has given me the freedom to live a life I love every day.

Today, I split my time between three distinct and vibrant cities: the charming regency town of Cheltenham in England, the busy metropolis of Seoul, and the tech hub of Austin, Texas.

Each place brings a unique inspiration to my work—whether it’s the history and elegance of England, the cutting-edge innovation in Korea, or the creative energy of Austin. These diverse experiences fuel my passion for creating brands that are as unique and multifaceted as the places I call home.

A Few of My Favorite Things...

I'm a sucker for a good book.

Books are my escape, my education, and my constant companion. I read everything from industry insights, to true crime, to gripping novels. I even run a bookclub! If you’re looking for a good book recommendation or just want to geek out over your latest read, I’m your girl!

If it's not monochrome, I won't buy it.

My style may be black and white, but my ideas are anything but.

I love the simplicity and elegance of a monochrome palette—it lets me focus on bringing color and creativity to the work I do every day.

I love helping women break through in tech.

Empowering others is a huge part of who I am. That’s why I dedicate time to volunteering with organizations like WiTCH. We help women reskill and level up in tech and cyber, opening doors to new opportunities and careers. It’s incredibly rewarding to see the impact we’re making together.

Shaping the Game Changers

I’ve tasted every flavor of marketing there is—agency life, in-house leadership, freelancing, fractional roles, and consulting. Each role brought its own unique challenges and rewards, but through it all, one thing became clear: I kept crossing paths with brilliant people who had something important to say, but didn’t yet have the confidence to say it loudly.

At the same time, I saw plenty of confident voices who were loud but lacked substance. I realized that my true passion wasn’t just in building brands, but in shaping real thought leaders—those with the potential to disrupt the status quo but who needed the right guidance to amplify their voices. That’s when I decided to focus on helping these individuals find their confidence and craft their message, turning them into the influential leaders they were meant to be. My mission is to work with those who have something meaningful to say and help them say it loud and clear.